Monday, October 13, 2008


So with a little bit of new found motivation I headed out again in search of some dirt roads to shred. And shred I did. Probably a little to hard but its hard to hold back for whatever reason this time of year. I'll get into the smart training grove soon enough but I decided to have some fun. With the sunset on one side and the full moon the other it was a pretty bitchin cuiz down this road that just kept deteriorating. Exactly what I was looking for. Besides one tangent through a random corn field that led to a dead end, the ride was going well. A little too well because I found myself pretty far from home when I decided, hey I should turn around no? And when things start to get a little dark and your in unfamiliar territory.. ya start to take some wrong turns.. at least I did. And when an unexpected 30k on dirt roads comes along, that equals, yes, the oh so familiar hunger bonk. So for the last half hour of my ride I was only thinking of chocolate chip cookies and trying to remember my name. Good times.
Sarnia is straight roads. Ride, turn right for an hour, ride, turn right again, and once more, and well your home. Except for one god damn road that some jack ass decided to put in to throw off cyclist. That road, was the one I took.
Enough bitching. Oh wait...That was my view the entire time. THE ENTIRE TIME.

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